
ASLA Member Login:

If this is your first time to login, your username is set as the email address associated with your ASLA member profile. 

Your default password is your last name (all lowercase) with your member ID number. Example: smith7654321.

If you have previously changed your username or password and are unable to login, please go to Forgot Password? to reset your password. 

If you continue to experience problems logging in, please contact Member Services at membership@asla.org or 1-202-898-2444.

Create an Account:
If you would like to become a member, make a purchase, or 
give a charitable donation to the ASLA Fund, you will first need to create an account.

If you need any assistance, please contact Member Services at membership@asla.org or 1-202-898-2444.  


ASLA Membership

